Metal deck construction is a cornerstone in modern architecture, celebrated for its durability and flexibility.

At the heart of these robust structures lies an often-overlooked yet pivotal component: the ridge plate. This blog post shines a spotlight on ridge plates, unraveling their importance and guiding you through their optimal integration with metal decks for a foolproof roofing system.

Understanding Ridge Plates

A ridge plate, fundamentally, is the backbone of a sloped metal roof’s peak. This structural linchpin not only connects but also supports the roof’s two sloping sides, ensuring the load is evenly distributed across the deck. This prevents any potential sagging and fortifies the structure’s stability. Crafted typically from steel, ridge plates boast high tensile strength and are treated to resist corrosion, making them resilient against diverse environmental onslaughts.

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Installation Blueprint

Step 1: Thorough Assessment
Begin with a meticulous evaluation of the building’s structural needs and the metal deck’s specifics. Key considerations should include the roof’s pitch, its capacity to bear loads, and adherence to local building norms.

Step 2: Material Selection
Choosing the right ridge plate is paramount. Opt for one that harmonizes with your metal deck and stands up to industry benchmarks in durability, weather resistance, and strength.

Step 3: Deck Preparation
A clean deck is a conducive deck. Rid your metal deck of any debris, dust, or rust, and smooth out any sharp edges or protrusions that might hinder the ridge plate’s installation.

Step 4: Ridge Plate Alignment
With precision, position the ridge plate at the metal deck’s apex, ensuring it’s in perfect sync with the structure’s centerline. Employ chalk lines or similar marking aids for accuracy.

Step 5: Securing the Ridge Plate
Anchor the ridge plate firmly in place with suitable fasteners, such as bolts or screws, heeding the manufacturer’s guidance on spacing and quantity to guarantee a robust connection.

Step 6: Ensuring Weatherproofing
Seal the deal against water ingress by implementing weatherproofing solutions around the ridge plate. Use quality sealants to fill any gaps or joints, ensuring the seal is watertight and the structure beneath is safeguarded from water damage.

Step 7: Inspection Regimen
Conclude with an exhaustive inspection to validate that the installed ridge plate ticks all boxes for structural and safety standards. Verify its alignment, fastening security, and compliance with regulatory codes.

Incorporating a ridge plate is not just an addition but a necessity in metal deck construction, pivotal for the edifice’s longevity and structural integrity. By adhering to the outlined installation steps and focusing on the minutiae, you can harness the full potential of ridge plates, elevating your metal deck roofing system to new heights of reliability and durability. Don’t hesitate to call Cordeck for your ridge plate needs and ensure your project benefits from our expertise and commitment to quality.

With Six Locations Strategically Located Throughout The U.S., Cordeck Can Easily Be Your Nationwide Ridge Plate and Metal Deck Supplier! For more information call 877-857-6400, for all locations.